Research Papers

A Decision-Language Model (DLM) for Dynamic Restless Multi-Armed Bandit Tasks in Public Health. Nikhil Behari, Edwin Zhang, Yunfan Zhao, Dheeraj Nagaraj, Aparna Taneja, and Milind Tambe. Under Review.

Group Fairness in Predict-Then-Optimize Settings for Restless Bandits. Shresth Verma, Yunfan Zhao, Sanket Shah, Niclas Boehmer, Aparna Taneja, and Milind Tambe. UAI 2024 (oral presentation).

Towards Zero Shot Learning in Restless Multi-armed Bandits. Yunfan Zhao, Nikhil Behari, Edward Hughes, Edwin Zhang, Dheeraj Nagaraj, Karl Tuyls, Aparna Taneja, and Milind Tambe. IJCAI 2024.

Scalable Neural Network Kernels Arijit Sehanobish, Krzysztof Choromanski, Yunfan Zhao, Avinava Dubey, and Valerii Likhosherstov. ICLR 2024.

Implicit Two-Tower Policies. Yunfan Zhao, Qingkai Pan, Krzysztof Choromanski, Deepali Jain, and Vikas Sindhwani. ICLR 2024 PML4LRS Workshop

Estimate-Then-Optimize Versus Integrated-Estimation-Optimization: A Stochastic Dominance Perspective. Adam N. Elmachtoub, Henry Lam, Haofeng Zhang, and Yunfan Zhao (alphabetical order). Major Revision, Operations Research.

Efficient Graph Field Integrators Meet Point Clouds. Krzysztof Choromanski, Arijit Sehanobish, Han Lin, Yunfan Zhao, et al. ICML, 2023.

Balanced Off-Policy Evaluation for Personalized Pricing. Adam N. Elmachtoub, Vishal Gupta, and Yunfan Zhao (alphabetical order). AISTATS, 2023.

Nuances in Margin Conditions Determine Gains in Active Learning. Samory Kpotufe, Gan Yuan, and Yunfan Zhao (alphabetical order). AISTATS, 2022.

Efficient and Perfect Domination on Archimedean Lattices. Yunfan Zhao, John C. Wierman, and Thomas G. Marge. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2022.